Boulder County

FairBoulder, CO, US
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December 2014
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Center of The Storm

The sky was lighting up pretty good with big inter-cloud burst. This was the first stop on my storm chase. Big massive storm clouds moving very fast. At this point the lightning strikes were cloud to cloud and inter- cloud. Here is a good example of the monster thunderstorm above me with the bolt just peeking out the center of the storm. [...] [...]

Double Yellow Storm Chase

So here we are on the double yellow lines, with a little light painting to light them up. When that say isolated thunderstorms you can see how this one is “isolated”, with star trails above and around the thunderhead. [...] [...]

Golden Ponds Scenic Sunset Reflections 3

A beautiful spring night after a great two day rain, golden ponds sunset reflections. Longmont Colorado, Boulder County. Number 3 in this series. [...] [...]

HWY 52 – HWY 287 Lightning Storm Image 29

A Colorado lightning thunderstorm cell with lightning striking and mean looking clouds. Lightning is caused by an electrical charge in the atmosphere that is unbalanced. The movement of rain and ice inside a thundercloud creates an electrical charge, with the negative charge (electrons) forming at the bottom of the cloud and the positive charge (protons) forming at the top. [...] [...]

Lightning Striking Longs Peak Foothills BW

Lightning bolts, cloud to ground striking the front range foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Boulder County. A view of the Twin Peaks, Mount Meeker 13,911′ and Longs Peak 14,256′ in the distance. Black and white version by storm chase Bo Insogna aka The Lightning Man [...] [...]

Colorful Southwest Desert Rustic Window Art View


A colorful southwest sunset over the lush sonoran desert with giant saguaro cactus and a view through a classic white distressed rustic picture window.  Your very own private window view into the beautiful southwest.

Create a fine art photography optical illusion to your decor of the beautiful colorful southwest desert with a view [...]

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Thunderstorm on the Colorado Plains Panorama

Lightning thunderstorm with cloud to ground lightning striking out on the plains of North Boulder County, Colorado. Mother Nature putting on a great show, this is better than fireworks any day… [...] [...]

Thunderstorm on the Plains Panorama

Thunderstorm on the Boulder County Plains Panorama – Lightning thunderstorm with cloud to ground lightning striking out on the plains of North Boulder County, Colorado. [...] [...]

Lightning Striking By The Train Tracks

A late afternoon thunderstorms came rolling in fast and I was Lucky enough to catch this lightning bolt striking next to the railroad tracks. Boulder County Colorado. This is a day time shot without a lightning trigger. Yes it can be done. : ) ISO 400 – 1/400 sec – f3.5 – 28mm [...] [...]

Lightning Tree Silhouette 38

Wild Colorado Weather, lightning striking with a tree silhouette and blue sky, taken on July 13th, 2011 in Boulder County, Colorado. [...] [...]