Boulder County

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December 2014
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Watching The Storm From The Farm BWSC

There is not a better place to watch a thunderstorm with lightning striking and putting on a show then from the open space of a farm. A very active spring storm striking above this cool barn out in the agriculture plains north east of Longmont Colorado. One of my most favorite places to watch and shoot a storm. [...] [...]

We Have Front Row Seats for the Thunderstorm

It is almost like these trees have a front row seat watching this storm as lightning strikes and dances in front of them during this beautiful Colorado thunderstorm on the country plains. A very active night that got me out of bed and out the door to this location. It is so nice when a plan comes together, as from my bedroom window I could see it hitting up in this area. [...] [...]

Country Stormy Night

Spring season thunderstorm lightning striking in the late night as this country red barn on this farm North East of Longmont Colorado, in Weld County, south of the town of Meade. It was a great night of watching mother nature put on a fantastic show. great start to the storm season! [...] [...]

Country Spring Storm

Spring season thunderstorm lightning striking in the late night as this country red barn on this farm North East of Longmont Colorado, in Weld County, south of the town of Meade. It was a great night of watching mother nature put on a fantastic show. great start to the storm season! [...] [...]

Colorful Country Thunderstorm

Portrait view of a cool colorful sky caused by the tungsten city lights of Longmont Colorado lighting up the clouds behind this country red barn as it fades to different colors in the sky and lightning striking above. [...] [...]

Cruising Highway 36 Into the Storm Panorama

Started this storm chase from the edge of north east Boulder County where I like to sit and watch things develop, then decide what direction to run to. As I saw it starting to hit I decided to hit one of my favorite spots on highway 36 between Boulder Colorado and Lyons. [...] [...]

Thunderstorm Hunkering Down On The Farm

Lightning striking in the late night as this storm is hunkering down on this farm North East of Longmont Colorado, in Weld County, south of the town of Meade. It was a great night of watching mother nature put on a fantastic show. [...] [...]

Oil Well Pumpjack Thunderstorm Panorama

Eastern plains of the Rocky Mountain front range in Weld County, Colorado, view of a pumpjack near the town of Dacona with a massive lightning thunderstorm striking. [...] [...]

Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Land of the free and the home of the brave. “These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor – and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.” – Michael N. Castle (born July 2, 1939, an American politician who was Governor of Delaware from 1985 to 1992) [...] [...]

Lightning Dome Over the City Lights

Lightning bolts in the shape of an arch creating a dome over the city lights. This is one of my all time favorite images, hope you like it as much as I do. It is amazing what a lightning bolt can do and far far it will go. [...] [...]